The Community Owned Marketplace
For Your Talents, Skills & Dreams

Manifest Your Talents, Skills & Dreams Into Passive Legacy Wealth

Our Services

Together as a community we are creating a sovereign marketplace, ecosystem & economic model to bridge the gap between Digital Assets, Metaverse, Web 2.0 and Real World Assets, Utilities, Products & Services

Fractionally Owned Real Estate

Own real estate in the UK within seconds, no credit scoring, enables those even with limited funds to own real property from $1 without any of the headaches!


Fair & Equitable Business Building

Build your business equitably and securely backed by smart contracts that protect your funds and eliminate human greed.


Digital Asset Multivendor Marketplace

Bridging the gap between traditional ecommerce and the metaverse, buy and sell valuable digital assets that are backed by real tangible assets.


Digital Membership

Earn highly valuable digital assets. Uplifts and nurtures every member, eusuring a dynamic and highly sustainable ecosystem, where the success of one is the success of all.

Staking, Lending and Borrowing

No credit checks, a revolutionary peer to peer lending & borrowing model that is defined by trust and community consensus


Wealth Education

Earn our reward token by expanding your knowledge and skillset. Also earn our rewards token for creating online and offline events  and participating in others.


$AMT is revolutionising the way we traditionally live & work

A platform designed for individual sovereignity. Where you are 100% in control of your funds and data! A social wealth building platform where you can fund and/or build a 100% decentralised business and lifestyle around what you love, own fractional Real Estate, and earn MULTIPLE passive income streams while doing so!


$AMT is revolutionising the way we traditionally live & work

A platform designed for individual sovereignity. Where you are 100% in control of your funds and data! A social wealth building platform where you can fund and/or build a 100% decentralised business and lifestyle around what you love, own fractional Real Estate, and earn MULTIPLE passive income streams while doing so!

Roadmap Until Now

The Vision of The Abundance Movement Lifestyle project, is to create a fair and equitable world, where with just a mobile phone and an internet connection no matter where you are on the planet, you can access decentralised technology that gives you the ability to earn multiple passive income streams, while getting paid to learn how to build a heart centred decentralised business doing what you love!

Q2, 2022

Research and Development Started

  • Conducted Market Research and Initial Analysis
  • Formed Core Development & Advisory Board
  • Defined AM technical specs and architecture
  • Wrote Business Plan & Financial Forecast

Q3, 2022

Community Building Started
  • Launched AMT on FB
  • Purpose Coaching Started
  • First Star Seeds Emerged

Q4, 2022

Strategic Alliances Formed

  • Launched Turn Up the Volume Campaign
  • Hired Branding Expert
  • First Figma MVP designs created

Q1, 2023

Development Started

  • Started building initial smart contracts
  • Started on web app frontend and backend dev

Q2, 2023

Tokenomics & Gamification

  • Tokenomics and gamification expert joins the team
  • First draft of tokenomics model developed and tested
  • Testing of Smart Contracts Started

Q3, 2023

Strategic Alliances Formed

  • Strategic partnership formed with PR and heart centred purpose brand expert

Q4, 2023

Presales Launch

  • Membership Presales
  • Fractional Real Estate Presales
  • Affiliate Program Launch
  • Facilitator Program Launch
  • Marketplace Launch

Q1, 2024

AMT Token Launch

  • Exchange listing

Q2, 2022

Research and Development Started

  • Conducted Market Research and Initial Analysis
  • Formed Core Development & Advisory Board
  • Defined AM technical specs and architecture
  • Wrote Business Plan & Financial Forecast

Q4, 2022

Strategic Alliances Formed

  • Launched Turn Up the Volume Campaign
  • Hired Branding Expert
  • First Figma MVP designs created

Q2, 2023

Tokenomics & Gamification

  • Tokenomics and gamification expert joins the team
  • First draft of tokenomics model developed and tested
  • Testing of Smart Contracts Started

Q4, 2023

Presales Launch

  • Membership Presales
  • Fractional Real Estate Presales
  • Affiliate Program Launch
  • Facilitator Program Launch
  • Marketplace Launch

Q3, 2022

Community Building Started

  • Launched AMT on FB
  • Purpose Coaching Started
  • First Star Seeds Emerged

Q1, 2023

Development Started

  • Started building initial smart contracts
  • Started on web app frontend and backend dev

Q3, 2023

Strategic Alliances Formed

  • Strategic partnership formed with PR and heart centred purpose brand expert

Q1, 2024

AMT Token Launch

  • Exchange listing

Show me the team

Real World Utility

$AMT serves as the reward token for a global human-centric Economy


We Pay You To Turn Your Passion Into Purpose


Play Your Part In Securing The Most Sovereign Network In The World


A place where holistic empowerment and shared governance flourish


Own Fractional Real World Assets From $1


A percentage of all profits goes back into funding a net positive world!


No requesting withdrawls stay 100% in control of your finances at all times!

Abundance Founding Team

We are merely the founding team, YOU the membership, are the pioneers behind this project, we are mearly providing you the tools and infrastructure, just by becoming a member you play your part to create a fair and equitable world for all members.


Brian J. Esposito

Chief Operations Officer

Ranked among the world’s top 10 CEOs. Holdings of over 200 companies in over 25 different industries, from beauty to Security tokenization of Real-World Assets.

“Time is our most precious commodity”


Gary Zlobinskiy

Advisory Board
Investment Banking Analyst at Esposito Intellectual Enterprises.

Nick Jarvis


Professional property, crypto & forex investor.
One mission: making happiness the new currency!

“You don’t know what you dont know until you know!”



Marc Flint

Future Visions Expert

35 years in Marketing, Biz Strategy, and PurposeBrand Creation. Future Advisor of governments + Fortune 500’s, e.g. Disney, Apple, BMW, Virgin, Lufthansa. Intern. Business speaker, book Author.

“The Jedi Master Of The Future”


Gina Zeolla


Founder of Harmony Haven Talent Cafe, Co- Founder of the Abundance Movement Project.

“Music is the rythmn of my soul”

Common Questions?

Get All Your Questions Answered On How We Are Bridging The Gap Between The Real & Virtual Worlds of E-commerce, E-Learning, Real Estate, Investments, Holistic Entrepreneurship & Life Purpose!

What is the Abundance Movement?

The Abundance Movement is a global community of conscious entrepreneurs and creators focused on personal growth, ethical business, and positive impact. We provide resources, tools, and opportunities to empower members and their teams to thrive in both their personal and professional lives.

How can I benefit from joining the Abundance Movement?

By joining, you gain access to a range of benefits, including personal development resources, investment opportunities, collaboration with like-minded individuals, and the chance to be part of projects that make a positive difference globally around your passions and interests.

Im a Network Marketer, can the Abundance Movement complement my network marketing efforts?

Absolutely! The Abundance Movement offers a unique opportunity to expand your network and collaborate with like-minded individuals. Our focus on conscious entrepreneurship and positive impact aligns well with the values of network marketing, allowing you to enhance your offerings and attract a broader audience. You even get your own dedicated webpage that you can customise for your existing products and services you promote or even create your own!

How does the membership work?

Membership offers various tiers tailored to your goals and preferences. Each tier grants access to specific resources, tools, and opportunities for growth and investment. You can choose the level that suits you best. You can even create your own unilevel or binary plan to maximise yours and your teams returns!

What kind of investment opportunities are available?

We offer diverse investment options, such as fractional real estate, cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and more. These opportunities are designed to provide both financial growth and align with ethical values.

Can I integrate my existing network marketing business into the Abundance Movement?

Absolutely! The movement encourages entrepreneurial diversity. You can leverage your existing network marketing business within our community, tapping into a supportive ecosystem that provides additional investment options, resources, and ethical business practices. You can even create your own compensation plan on the platform for your team members to build your own passion business with your team!

How is the Abundance Movement different from other personal development programs?

Y(our) movement not only focuses on personal growth but also integrates conscious entrepreneurship, ethical business practices, and positive impact initiatives. It’s a holistic approach that combines financial empowerment and personal well-being.

Can I participate even if I'm not an entrepreneur?

Absolutely! While entrepreneurs, coaches and consultants benefit greatly, the movement welcomes individuals from all walks of life who seek personal growth, impactful collaboration, and sovereign investment opportunities.

What is the role of technology in the Abundance Movement?

Technology plays a huge and important role in the Abundance movement platform and ecosytem. to eliminate human greed. We have built 100% transparent technolgy by adapting emerging technologies like AI, blockchain, and Web3 into a holistic fair and equitable business model. The Abundance Movement has been developed to be the incubator program that ensures members stay ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

FUN FACT: We wanted to build a holistic fair and equitable platform and ecosystem that becomes the defacto for how traditional business is run moving forward, by becoming the living breathing successful example!

How can I contribute to positive impact projects through the movement?

We have ongoing projects and initiatives that address global challenges. As a member, you can collaborate with others to create solutions, promote social good, and contribute to a better world.

How do I connect with other members?

The movement offers various platforms, events, and communities where you can interact, collaborate, and network with like-minded individuals across the globe.

Is the Abundance Movement sustainable and environmentally conscious?

Yes, sustainability is one of our core values. We’re committed to integrating eco-friendly practices into our initiatives and supporting projects that have a net positive impact on the environment.

What is the empowerment booster, and how does it work?

The empowerment booster is a unique tool that combines personal growth and investment. It’s an opportunity to enhance yourself while also making a financial contribution that aligns with your values.

How is the movement governed?

The movement operates on a decentralized governance model, allowing ALL members no matter what their percieved social class to participate in decision-making through a community-driven approach, ensuring inclusivity and transparency always. There is NO corporate team or owner!

Can I join without any prior knowledge of blockchain or investments?

Absolutely! We provide educational resources and support that you get paid to get involved with, to help members navigate the world of blockchain, investments, and emerging technologies, regardless of their prior knowledge.

Are there any fees associated with joining?

Yes, there are membership fees associated with different tiers, starting at just $37, each offering specific benefits. These fees contribute to maintaining and expanding the movement’s offerings and giving back to the collective!

How can I get started with the Abundance Movement?

To get started, go back to the person who shared this page with you, click the link they give you, and you will then get a list of membership options. Choose the one that resonates with your goals and values, and begin your journey towards personal growth, conscious entrepreneurship, and positive impact

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